Lasting trail experiences - created with knowledge, competence and experience.
Trail design is central to the development of mountain bike infrastructure for us: always present in all our services, it is the challenging art of creating trails that are suitable for target groups in the area of conflicting legal and geographical conditions and working out the most sensible option from a multitude of possibilities.
For us, one thing is certain: in the end, it is always the experience on the trail itself that counts. Our services are the necessary tools for this. Combined with our many years of experience and expert advice, we do our best to ensure that not only the mountain bikers are happy in the end.

It always starts with a profound analysis: space, context, players and needs. In order to be able to work in a goal- and solution-oriented manner, we invest time in a holistic overview and go into depth where the potential lies. The evaluation of spatial planning, property rights and geographical conditions, our assessment skills and local knowledge form a solid basis for the development of products . We offer following analysis
- trail network analyses
- spatial planning analyses
- feasibility analyses and studies
During the conception phase, the central idea is developed together with the stakeholders involved. Initial conservation and user interests and needs can already be identified. Aspects such as vision, project objectives, target groups, trail style & infrastructure type, cost framework, recommendations for action, timetable and coordination with existing uses and plans are key considerations. All of this is documented and evaluated in a concept, which serves as the foundation for the further direction of the project.
Construction permit
Conceptual considerations are incorporated into a formal planning process, which is primarily defined by the legal framework. The line layout (macro design) is always central to this. This often affects other protection and usage interests, which requires comprehensive and binding clarifications with a wide range of stakeholders. For us, planning therefore means one thing above all: understanding, weighing up and coordinating. Our aim is to proceed carefully and precisely, because proper planning is crucial for targeted and efficient implementation. Depending on the task and capacities, we work together with environmental engineers, geologists, biologists or other specialist offices to develop a project that is ready for approval. We can take on the overall project management or only partial tasks (in particular trail design).

New trail construction
Newly built trails and facilities allow a great deal of design freedom and trail architecture tailored to the target group(s). They are ideal where the pressure of use on existing trails is too high (decongestion) or where there is a lack of suitable and official trails (channelization). Safety, riding enjoyment and longevity can be taken into account in the best possible way with purpose-built trails. We attach great importance to a creative, coherent and functional trail design (micro design).
Maintenance and renovation
The key to the long-term success of mountain bike infrastructure lies in properly carried out maintenance. We basically distinguish between the following three different maintenance and renovation categories, which we offer for all trail types and trail styles:
- Ongoing maintenance (checks and ad hoc measures)
- Periodic maintenance (1-3x per year)
- Restoration / initial interventions (if required)
We optimize trails that are used jointly by hikers and mountain bikers through various measures: e.g. speed management through natural obstacles and trail texture, erosion prevention through reinforcements, extending the viewing distance, installation of alternative routes, etc. We always strive for a win-win situation for everyone involved as well as more resistant paths to use and weather conditions.
Training and education
In the long term, knowledge, skills and experience for ongoing and periodic maintenance must be established locally – regardless of the ownership (association, community or company). This creates value on site as well as identification and continuity with the infrastructure. In order to achieve this, we offer the following training and knowledge transfer options:
- Operation and maintenance concepts
- Maintenance training for local service providers
- Technical and creative support for maintenance and renovation measures
- Support in setting up local structures
We also offer technical and design support for new construction projects by associations, organizations and companies.
Mountain bike trails outside the construction zone can have an impact on the environmental system. We are guided by the principle of primarily avoiding areas worthy of protection. If they are nevertheless affected, we restore them or replace them appropriately. If paths and trails are no longer needed, we return them to nature and the landscape by restoring and renaturalizing them. We offer the following environmental services:
- Dismantling and renaturation of trails and paths that are no longer used
- Steering measures for mountain bike traffic (communication and structural)
- Implementation of compensation measures in collaboration with environmental engineers (e.g. creation of wetlands and biotopes)