hello world wide web!
Seit bald zwei Jahren verwirklichen wir mit Vast Trails die Vision des eigenen Unternehmens für Trail Design, Planung und Bau. In dieser Zeit durften wir bereits zahlreiche erfüllende Projekte umsetzen, und nun endlich auch unsere Website!
Together with Büro a+o (Branding + Design) and Roger Burkhard (Code), we have spent the last six months working intensively on our digital universe. We had design proposals drawn up, evaluated functions, curated images, created graphics, wrote texts like crazy, had heated discussions, tried out and tinkered countless times – a good web presence takes time! All the more reason for us to be super stoked with the result and delighted to present our digital business card on the World Wide Web.
The navigation is divided into three sections: Vast does (services, trails, references), Vast is (team, profile) and Vast connects (contact, journal). We are constantly striving to enrich our website with exciting content and new projects. In particular, we recommend the Vast Journal, where we will provide you with interesting insights behind the scenes. So, it’s worth checking back regularly – just like subscribing to our Vastletter!
We hope we whet your appetite not only for the new website, but also for surfing our trails soon!
Creators of Trails
Schnurri, Eddy, Mike, Dave, Pippo und Seve