First aid, rotors and outstanding acting
Since some of our construction sites are difficult to reach and we have to provide first aid ourselves, we want to prepare our team well for emergencies and provide further training in first aid. That’s why we held a two-day first aid course with the entire team at Air Zermatt base in Raron.
Two days packed with new input from the Air Zermatt professionals
In mid-October the entire team arrived at the helicopter base in Raron for this internal training session. Of course, each of us has taken a course in this direction a few times, such as the emergency aid course which is mandatory to obtain the drivers license. Unfortunately, many details are quickly forgotten. That’s why Dominik Imhof, paramedic and instructor and deputy head of the training center, reminded us on Thursday morning about the rescue organisation in the canton of Valais, the basics of BLS-AED and self-protection when providing first aid. Our basic knowledge was therefore refreshed and extended.

Acting and helplessness
Thanks to the motivated trainer from Air Zermatt, we were able to simulate a few accident situations and were confronted with unexpected, sometimes overwhelming scenarios. Through the use of each individual and sometimes great acting skills by the victims, the staged scenes became almost real accidents. The helplessness and overwhelm that occurred every now and then showed that it was necessary to carry out such a first aid course. Of course, a certain level of safety when dealing with emergencies requires a lot of experience and we can only acquire this through regular joint exercises and training. We therefore aim to continue carrying out such exercises in the future.
Special program for special situations
One of the highlights for everyone was working with the helicopter. Firstly we had a little introduction to helicopters. That means: Where can I stay? How do I communicate with the pilot or flight attendants? What hand signals can I use? etc… In the afternoon we had the chance to do some short exercises with the helicopter. This included defining a suitable landing site, instructing the helicopter, communicating with the pilot on approach and entering/exiting the aircraft while hovering. Of course, a short flight to the “accident site” was a must. These experiences will certainly remain in our memories for a long time and have made some smiling faces.